Good morning

Good morning from the beautiful island of Lombok. We woke up early and enjoyed a lovely omelette and mixed fruit smoothie. The bed and breakfast we’re staying at is on the beach, our room on the sand.

Eliana and I are taking a break from swimming to let our raisiny fingers return to normal. While we do some writing practice on the porch, Seth has rented a motorcycle and is picking up some snorkel gear.

Have a wonderful day, friends.





Winter Break

You know how some people think that teachers are spoiled with long school holiday breaks? Yeah, well, we are. We earned ’em(!!!), but boy do I feel spoiled right now.

I submitted my grades yesterday and am on Winter Break until January 7! And although Christmas is only a few days away, it’s hard to get into the holiday spirit when it’s 90 degrees and I’m planning a trip next week to one of the most desirable island chains in the world (I’m talking about you, Gilis).

I mean really. I see holiday cookie after chutney after Christmas tree after ugly holiday sweater after rants about shopping stress on Facebook and Instagram. My response? Well. I miss you guys but I don’t miss that.

In the spirit of it all, we picked up some rambutan from a truck bed on the side of the overpass today. 12,000 rupiah, ’bout a buck.



We’re going to Thailand!

We bought the Lonely Planet Thailand book over the weekend. With our track record (we bought the LP Indonesia book in 2004), that meant we had to buy tickets. After a bit of research, we took the plunge.

The biggest bonus of all? In only a few months, we get to see some of our favorite people in the world. In Thailand. On The Beach. And we are STOKED!


Morning Bath

Woke up this morning and found Eliana in a bucket. Then another.

It’s already over 80 degrees at 8:00 am, so I don’t blame her for cooling off. Her imagination is on overdrive these days. Some stories are very sweet and some a bit of a surprise. She has an array of characters she tells stories about. Conflicts include the color of their skin (pink, brown or white), dancing Gangnam Style, riding ponies to school, bad guys, going to church (thanks, required religion class, for mucking this one up for us), and getting married and having a birthday every day.

My first reaction is always the western one. Oh, that bucket can’t be clean, out! But before I protest, I catch myself. She has adapted so well here. I can sleep in an extra hour on the weekends and wake up to a fed and very happy little girl playing outside (with our maid close by, of course).

This I must be thankful for. I am learning so much from this tiny being.







Padang Dinner

We felt our guts were strong enough to endure the food challenge of Padang. To be honest, it wasn’t as spicy as I thought it would be and the food not as cold.

About 10-15 dishes were instantly set down in front of us, each featuring a typical Indonesian spice and meat combination. The rules are that you get to eat as much or little as you want and the leftovers are saved for the next customer.

Would I do it again? Maybe for lunch, when the food is a bit fresher. But in the end, the flavor (especially the grilled coconut prawns and beef rendang) was pretty amazing.


