Hotel vs House

We arrived at our house yesterday morning only to find the previous teacher left pretty much everything behind (cigarette butts, razors, socks, condiments, you name it). We also learned a very quick lesson on cleaning standards. Exhausted, we asked to stay in a hotel for the night so they could purge all of the crap (except for the 200+ DVDs we found in the closet, those could stay). The hotel was great, the rest very much needed.

Our dilemma is this: we are just not big fans of this house. We are trying to get over the horrible first impression and balance our decision making. We learned of another house for rent (only $266/month) down the street which looks pretty fantastic. Our appt to see it is tomorrow. Until then, all of the hotels have booked up, so we’re stuck in the meh house. It is definitely one of those situations that if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.

And just so you know, because I bet you were dying to ask, Eliana is doing amazingly well. She gets so much attention, every where we go people (men and women) say hi to her and want to touch her cheeks. Rarely she gets shy anymore, but now eats it up and strikes up a conversation. She even said “terima kasih” to the driver today, which means thank you in Indonesian.

One step at a time.